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 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
 * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
 * @link CakePHP(tm) Project
 * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 1.3
 * @license MIT License

App::uses('Hash', 'Utility');

 * A single Route used by the Router to connect requests to
 * parameter maps.
 * Not normally created as a standalone. Use Router::connect() to create
 * Routes for your application.
 * @package Cake.Routing.Route
class CakeRoute {

 * An array of named segments in a Route.
 * `/:controller/:action/:id` has 3 key elements
 * @var array
	public $keys = array();

 * An array of additional parameters for the Route.
 * @var array
	public $options = array();

 * Default parameters for a Route
 * @var array
	public $defaults = array();

 * The routes template string.
 * @var string
	public $template = null;

 * Is this route a greedy route?  Greedy routes have a `/*` in their
 * template
 * @var string
	protected $_greedy = false;

 * The compiled route regular expression
 * @var string
	protected $_compiledRoute = null;

 * HTTP header shortcut map. Used for evaluating header-based route expressions.
 * @var array
	protected $_headerMap = array(
		'type' => 'content_type',
		'method' => 'request_method',
		'server' => 'server_name'

 * Constructor for a Route
 * @param string $template Template string with parameter placeholders
 * @param array $defaults Array of defaults for the route.
 * @param array $options Array of additional options for the Route
	public function __construct($template, $defaults = array(), $options = array()) {
		$this->template = $template;
		$this->defaults = (array)$defaults;
		$this->options = (array)$options;

 * Check if a Route has been compiled into a regular expression.
 * @return bool
	public function compiled() {
		return !empty($this->_compiledRoute);

 * Compiles the route's regular expression.
 * Modifies defaults property so all necessary keys are set
 * and populates $this->names with the named routing elements.
 * @return array Returns a string regular expression of the compiled route.
	public function compile() {
		if ($this->compiled()) {
			return $this->_compiledRoute;
		return $this->_compiledRoute;

 * Builds a route regular expression.
 * Uses the template, defaults and options properties to compile a
 * regular expression that can be used to parse request strings.
 * @return void
	protected function _writeRoute() {
		if (empty($this->template) || ($this->template === '/')) {
			$this->_compiledRoute = '#^/*$#';
			$this->keys = array();
		$route = $this->template;
		$names = $routeParams = array();
		$parsed = preg_quote($this->template, '#');

		preg_match_all('#:([A-Za-z0-9_-]+[A-Z0-9a-z])#', $route, $namedElements);
		foreach ($namedElements[1] as $i => $name) {
			$search = '\\' . $namedElements[0][$i];
			if (isset($this->options[$name])) {
				$option = null;
				if ($name !== 'plugin' && array_key_exists($name, $this->defaults)) {
					$option = '?';
				$slashParam = '/\\' . $namedElements[0][$i];
				if (strpos($parsed, $slashParam) !== false) {
					$routeParams[$slashParam] = '(?:/(?P<' . $name . '>' . $this->options[$name] . ')' . $option . ')' . $option;
				} else {
					$routeParams[$search] = '(?:(?P<' . $name . '>' . $this->options[$name] . ')' . $option . ')' . $option;
			} else {
				$routeParams[$search] = '(?:(?P<' . $name . '>[^/]+))';
			$names[] = $name;
		if (preg_match('#\/\*\*$#', $route)) {
			$parsed = preg_replace('#/\\\\\*\\\\\*$#', '(?:/(?P<_trailing_>.*))?', $parsed);
			$this->_greedy = true;
		if (preg_match('#\/\*$#', $route)) {
			$parsed = preg_replace('#/\\\\\*$#', '(?:/(?P<_args_>.*))?', $parsed);
			$this->_greedy = true;
		$parsed = str_replace(array_keys($routeParams), array_values($routeParams), $parsed);
		$this->_compiledRoute = '#^' . $parsed . '[/]*$#';
		$this->keys = $names;

		// Remove defaults that are also keys. They can cause match failures
		foreach ($this->keys as $key) {

		$keys = $this->keys;
		$this->keys = array_reverse($keys);

 * Checks to see if the given URL can be parsed by this route.
 * If the route can be parsed an array of parameters will be returned; if not
 * false will be returned. String URLs are parsed if they match a routes regular expression.
 * @param string $url The URL to attempt to parse.
 * @return mixed Boolean false on failure, otherwise an array or parameters
	public function parse($url) {
		if (!$this->compiled()) {
		if (!preg_match($this->_compiledRoute, urldecode($url), $route)) {
			return false;
		foreach ($this->defaults as $key => $val) {
			$key = (string)$key;
			if ($key[0] === '[' && preg_match('/^\[(\w+)\]$/', $key, $header)) {
				if (isset($this->_headerMap[$header[1]])) {
					$header = $this->_headerMap[$header[1]];
				} else {
					$header = 'http_' . $header[1];
				$header = strtoupper($header);

				$val = (array)$val;
				$h = false;

				foreach ($val as $v) {
					if (env($header) === $v) {
						$h = true;
				if (!$h) {
					return false;
		$count = count($this->keys);
		for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
		$route['pass'] = $route['named'] = array();

		// Assign defaults, set passed args to pass
		foreach ($this->defaults as $key => $value) {
			if (isset($route[$key])) {
			if (is_int($key)) {
				$route['pass'][] = $value;
			$route[$key] = $value;

		if (isset($route['_args_'])) {
			list($pass, $named) = $this->_parseArgs($route['_args_'], $route);
			$route['pass'] = array_merge($route['pass'], $pass);
			$route['named'] = $named;

		if (isset($route['_trailing_'])) {
			$route['pass'][] = $route['_trailing_'];

		// restructure 'pass' key route params
		if (isset($this->options['pass'])) {
			$j = count($this->options['pass']);
			while ($j--) {
				if (isset($route[$this->options['pass'][$j]])) {
					array_unshift($route['pass'], $route[$this->options['pass'][$j]]);
		return $route;

 * Parse passed and Named parameters into a list of passed args, and a hash of named parameters.
 * The local and global configuration for named parameters will be used.
 * @param string $args A string with the passed & named params. eg. /1/page:2
 * @param string $context The current route context, which should contain controller/action keys.
 * @return array Array of ($pass, $named)
	protected function _parseArgs($args, $context) {
		$pass = $named = array();
		$args = explode('/', $args);

		$namedConfig = Router::namedConfig();
		$greedy = $namedConfig['greedyNamed'];
		$rules = $namedConfig['rules'];
		if (!empty($this->options['named'])) {
			$greedy = isset($this->options['greedyNamed']) && $this->options['greedyNamed'] === true;
			foreach ((array)$this->options['named'] as $key => $val) {
				if (is_numeric($key)) {
					$rules[$val] = true;
				$rules[$key] = $val;

		foreach ($args as $param) {
			if (empty($param) && $param !== '0' && $param !== 0) {

			$separatorIsPresent = strpos($param, $namedConfig['separator']) !== false;
			if ((!isset($this->options['named']) || !empty($this->options['named'])) && $separatorIsPresent) {
				list($key, $val) = explode($namedConfig['separator'], $param, 2);
				$hasRule = isset($rules[$key]);
				$passIt = (!$hasRule && !$greedy) || ($hasRule && !$this->_matchNamed($val, $rules[$key], $context));
				if ($passIt) {
					$pass[] = $param;
				} else {
					if (preg_match_all('/\[([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)?\]/', $key, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
						$matches = array_reverse($matches);
						$parts = explode('[', $key);
						$key = array_shift($parts);
						$arr = $val;
						foreach ($matches as $match) {
							if (empty($match[1])) {
								$arr = array($arr);
							} else {
								$arr = array(
									$match[1] => $arr
						$val = $arr;
					$named = array_merge_recursive($named, array($key => $val));
			} else {
				$pass[] = $param;
		return array($pass, $named);

 * Check if a named parameter matches the current rules.
 * Return true if a given named $param's $val matches a given $rule depending on $context.
 * Currently implemented rule types are controller, action and match that can be combined with each other.
 * @param string $val The value of the named parameter
 * @param array $rule The rule(s) to apply, can also be a match string
 * @param string $context An array with additional context information (controller / action)
 * @return bool
	protected function _matchNamed($val, $rule, $context) {
		if ($rule === true || $rule === false) {
			return $rule;
		if (is_string($rule)) {
			$rule = array('match' => $rule);
		if (!is_array($rule)) {
			return false;

		$controllerMatches = (
			!isset($rule['controller'], $context['controller']) ||
			in_array($context['controller'], (array)$rule['controller'])
		if (!$controllerMatches) {
			return false;
		$actionMatches = (
			!isset($rule['action'], $context['action']) ||
			in_array($context['action'], (array)$rule['action'])
		if (!$actionMatches) {
			return false;
		return (!isset($rule['match']) || preg_match('/' . $rule['match'] . '/', $val));

 * Apply persistent parameters to a URL array. Persistent parameters are a special
 * key used during route creation to force route parameters to persist when omitted from
 * a URL array.
 * @param array $url The array to apply persistent parameters to.
 * @param array $params An array of persistent values to replace persistent ones.
 * @return array An array with persistent parameters applied.
	public function persistParams($url, $params) {
		if (empty($this->options['persist']) || !is_array($this->options['persist'])) {
			return $url;
		foreach ($this->options['persist'] as $persistKey) {
			if (array_key_exists($persistKey, $params) && !isset($url[$persistKey])) {
				$url[$persistKey] = $params[$persistKey];
		return $url;

 * Check if a URL array matches this route instance.
 * If the URL matches the route parameters and settings, then
 * return a generated string URL. If the URL doesn't match the route parameters, false will be returned.
 * This method handles the reverse routing or conversion of URL arrays into string URLs.
 * @param array $url An array of parameters to check matching with.
 * @return mixed Either a string URL for the parameters if they match or false.
	public function match($url) {
		if (!$this->compiled()) {
		$defaults = $this->defaults;

		if (isset($defaults['prefix'])) {
			$url['prefix'] = $defaults['prefix'];

		//check that all the key names are in the url
		$keyNames = array_flip($this->keys);
		if (array_intersect_key($keyNames, $url) !== $keyNames) {
			return false;

		// Missing defaults is a fail.
		if (array_diff_key($defaults, $url) !== array()) {
			return false;

		$namedConfig = Router::namedConfig();
		$prefixes = Router::prefixes();
		$greedyNamed = $namedConfig['greedyNamed'];
		$allowedNamedParams = $namedConfig['rules'];

		$named = $pass = array();

		foreach ($url as $key => $value) {
			// keys that exist in the defaults and have different values is a match failure.
			$defaultExists = array_key_exists($key, $defaults);
			if ($defaultExists && $defaults[$key] != $value) {
				return false;
			} elseif ($defaultExists) {

			// If the key is a routed key, its not different yet.
			if (array_key_exists($key, $keyNames)) {

			// pull out passed args
			$numeric = is_numeric($key);
			if ($numeric && isset($defaults[$key]) && $defaults[$key] == $value) {
			} elseif ($numeric) {
				$pass[] = $value;

			// pull out named params if named params are greedy or a rule exists.
			if (($greedyNamed || isset($allowedNamedParams[$key])) &&
				($value !== false && $value !== null) &&
				(!in_array($key, $prefixes))
			) {
				$named[$key] = $value;

			// keys that don't exist are different.
			if (!$defaultExists && !empty($value)) {
				return false;

		//if a not a greedy route, no extra params are allowed.
		if (!$this->_greedy && (!empty($pass) || !empty($named))) {
			return false;

		//check patterns for routed params
		if (!empty($this->options)) {
			foreach ($this->options as $key => $pattern) {
				if (array_key_exists($key, $url) && !preg_match('#^' . $pattern . '$#', $url[$key])) {
					return false;
		return $this->_writeUrl(array_merge($url, compact('pass', 'named')));

 * Converts a matching route array into a URL string.
 * Composes the string URL using the template
 * used to create the route.
 * @param array $params The params to convert to a string URL.
 * @return string Composed route string.
	protected function _writeUrl($params) {
		if (isset($params['prefix'])) {
			$prefixed = $params['prefix'] . '_';
		if (isset($prefixed, $params['action']) && strpos($params['action'], $prefixed) === 0) {
			$params['action'] = substr($params['action'], strlen($prefixed));

		if (is_array($params['pass'])) {
			$params['pass'] = implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', $params['pass']));

		$namedConfig = Router::namedConfig();
		$separator = $namedConfig['separator'];

		if (!empty($params['named']) && is_array($params['named'])) {
			$named = array();
			foreach ($params['named'] as $key => $value) {
				if (is_array($value)) {
					$flat = Hash::flatten($value, '%5D%5B');
					foreach ($flat as $namedKey => $namedValue) {
						$named[] = $key . "%5B{$namedKey}%5D" . $separator . rawurlencode($namedValue);
				} else {
					$named[] = $key . $separator . rawurlencode($value);
			$params['pass'] = $params['pass'] . '/' . implode('/', $named);
		$out = $this->template;

		if (!empty($this->keys)) {
			$search = $replace = array();

			foreach ($this->keys as $key) {
				$string = null;
				if (isset($params[$key])) {
					$string = $params[$key];
				} elseif (strpos($out, $key) != strlen($out) - strlen($key)) {
					$key .= '/';
				$search[] = ':' . $key;
				$replace[] = $string;
			$out = str_replace($search, $replace, $out);

		if (strpos($this->template, '**') !== false) {
			$out = str_replace('**', $params['pass'], $out);
			$out = str_replace('%2F', '/', $out);
		} elseif (strpos($this->template, '*') !== false) {
			$out = str_replace('*', $params['pass'], $out);
		$out = str_replace('//', '/', $out);
		return $out;

 * Set state magic method to support var_export
 * This method helps for applications that want to implement
 * router caching.
 * @param array $fields Key/Value of object attributes
 * @return CakeRoute A new instance of the route
	public static function __set_state($fields) {
		$class = function_exists('get_called_class') ? get_called_class() : __CLASS__;
		$obj = new $class('');
		foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
			$obj->$field = $value;
		return $obj;


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0