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Current File : /home/brasafestival/www/old/wp-content/languages/plugins/jetpack-pt_BR-ba4064db8ab113111b65050d6a9cdd2c.json

{"translation-revision-date":"2023-04-18 20:06:47+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-alpha.4","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"pt_BR"},"Jetpack is currently powering features on your site. Once you deactivate Jetpack, these features will no longer be available.":["No momento, o seu site usa funcionalidades do Jetpack. Se voc\u00ea desativar o Jetpack, elas ficar\u00e3o indispon\u00edveis."],"Submit Feedback":["Enviar feedback"],"Submitting\u2026":["Enviando..."],"Grow your traffic with automated social <ExternalLink>publishing and sharing<\/ExternalLink>":["Aumente seu tr\u00e1fego ao automatizar <ExternalLink>publica\u00e7\u00f5es e compartilhamentos<\/ExternalLink> em redes sociais"],"Block <ExternalLink>brute force attacks<\/ExternalLink> and get immediate notifications if your site is down":["Bloqueie <ExternalLink>ataques de for\u00e7a bruta<\/ExternalLink> e receba notifica\u00e7\u00f5es imediatas se o seu site sair do ar"],"Speed up your site and provide mobile-ready images with <ExternalLink>our CDN<\/ExternalLink>":["Acelere seu site e forne\u00e7a imagens compat\u00edveis com dispositivos m\u00f3veis com <ExternalLink>a nossa CDN<\/ExternalLink>"],"Your answer has been submitted. <br\/>Thanks for your input on how we can improve Jetpack.":["Sua resposta foi enviada. <br\/>Obrigado por compartilhar sua opini\u00e3o sobre como podemos aprimorar o Jetpack."],"Thank you!":["Obrigado!"],"Skip for now":["Pular por enquanto"],"Let us know what didn\u2018t work for you":["Conte para n\u00f3s do que voc\u00ea n\u00e3o gostou"],"Before you go, help us improve Jetpack":["Antes de ir, ajude-nos a melhorar o Jetpack"],"Stay connected":["Permanecer conectado"],"<strong>Need help?<\/strong> Learn more about the <jpConnectionInfoLink>Jetpack connection<\/jpConnectionInfoLink> or <jpSupportLink>contact Jetpack support<\/jpSupportLink>.":["<strong>Precisa de ajuda?<\/strong> Saiba mais sobre a <jpConnectionInfoLink>conex\u00e3o do Jetpack<\/jpConnectionInfoLink> ou <jpSupportLink>fale com o suporte<\/jpSupportLink>."],"Once you disconnect Jetpack, these will no longer work.":["Quando voc\u00ea desconectar o Jetpack, isso deixar\u00e1 de funcionar."],"Jetpack is currently powering multiple products on your site.":["O seu site est\u00e1 usando v\u00e1rios produtos do Jetpack."],"Back to my website":["Voltar ao meu site"],"No thank you":["N\u00e3o, obrigado(a)"],"Help us improve":["Ajude-nos a melhorar"],"We\u2019re sorry to see you go. Here at Jetpack, we\u2019re always striving to provide the best experience for our customers. Please take our short survey (2 minutes, promise).":["Lamentamos ver voc\u00ea partir. Aqui no Jetpack, estamos sempre fazendo todo o poss\u00edvel para proporcionar a melhor experi\u00eancia aos nossos clientes. Considere responder \u00e0 nossa breve pesquisa (s\u00f3 2 minutos, prometo)."],"Jetpack has been <br\/>successfully disconnected.":["O Jetpack foi <br\/>desconectado com sucesso."],"Jetpack is powering other plugins on your site. If you disconnect, these plugins will no longer work.":["O seu site usa outros plugins do Jetpack. Se voc\u00ea o desconectar, esses plugins deixar\u00e3o de funcionar."],"Jetpack encountered an error and was unable to display the Dashboard. Please try refreshing the page.":["N\u00e3o foi poss\u00edvel exibir o Painel porque o Jetpack encontrou um erro. Tente atualizar a p\u00e1gina."],"There seems to be a problem with your website.":["Parece haver um problema com o seu site."],"There seems to be a problem with your connection to If the problem persists, try reconnecting.":["Parece que h\u00e1 um problema na sua conex\u00e3o com o Se o problema persistir, tente reconectar."],"Are you sure you want to deactivate?":["Tem certeza de que deseja desativar?"],"Disconnecting\u2026":["Desconectando..."],"share your experience":["compartilhe sua experi\u00eancia"],"Other:":["Outro:"],"Troubleshooting - I'll be reconnecting afterwards.":["Solu\u00e7\u00e3o de problemas. Reconectarei depois."],"I don't know what it does.":["N\u00e3o sei para que ele serve."],"It's buggy.":["Apresenta erros."],"It slowed down my site.":["Ele causou lentid\u00e3o no meu site."],"I can't get it to work.":["N\u00e3o consigo fazer funcionar."],"Jetpack has many powerful tools that can help you achieve your goals":["O Jetpack tem muitas ferramentas avan\u00e7adas que podem ajudar voc\u00ea a alcan\u00e7ar suas metas"],"Jetpack is currently powering features on your site. Once you disconnect Jetpack, these features will no longer be available and your site may no longer function the same way.":["No momento, o seu site usa recursos do Jetpack. Caso voc\u00ea desconecte o Jetpack, esses recursos n\u00e3o estar\u00e3o mais dispon\u00edveis e seu site pode n\u00e3o funcionar da mesma maneira."],"Are you sure you want to disconnect?":["Tem certeza de que deseja desconectar?"],"Disconnect":["Desconectar"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Deactivate Jetpack":["Desative o Jetpack"],"Deactivate":["Desativar"]}},"comment":{"reference":"_inc\/build\/plugins-page.js"}}

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