Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/brasafestival/www/old/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/includes/admin/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/brasafestival/www/old/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/includes/admin/admin-upgrade.php


if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly

if ( ! class_exists( 'ACF_Admin_Upgrade' ) ) :

	class ACF_Admin_Upgrade {

		 *  __construct
		 *  Sets up the class functionality.
		 *  @date    31/7/18
		 *  @since   5.7.2
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function __construct() {

			// actions
			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ), 20 );
			if ( is_multisite() ) {
				add_action( 'network_admin_menu', array( $this, 'network_admin_menu' ), 20 );

		 *  admin_menu
		 *  Setus up logic if DB Upgrade is needed on a single site.
		 *  @date    24/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.4
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function admin_menu() {

			// check if upgrade is avaialble
			if ( acf_has_upgrade() ) {

				// add notice
				add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );

				// add page
				$page = add_submenu_page( 'index.php', __( 'Upgrade Database', 'acf' ), __( 'Upgrade Database', 'acf' ), acf_get_setting( 'capability' ), 'acf-upgrade', array( $this, 'admin_html' ) );

				// actions
				add_action( 'load-' . $page, array( $this, 'admin_load' ) );

		 * network_admin_menu
		 * Sets up admin logic if DB Upgrade is required on a multi site.
		 * @date    24/8/18
		 * @since   5.7.4
		 * @param   void
		 * @return  void
		function network_admin_menu() {

			// Vars.
			$upgrade = false;

			// Loop over sites and check for upgrades.
			$sites = get_sites( array( 'number' => 0 ) );
			if ( $sites ) {

				// Unhook action to avoid memory issue (as seen in wp-includes/ms-site.php).
				remove_action( 'switch_blog', 'wp_switch_roles_and_user', 1 );
				foreach ( $sites as $site ) {

					// Switch site.
					switch_to_blog( $site->blog_id );

					// Check for upgrade.
					$site_upgrade = acf_has_upgrade();

					// Restore site.
					// Ideally, we would switch back to the original site at after looping, however,
					// the restore_current_blog() is needed to modify global vars.

					// Check if upgrade was found.
					if ( $site_upgrade ) {
						$upgrade = true;
				add_action( 'switch_blog', 'wp_switch_roles_and_user', 1, 2 );

			// Bail early if no upgrade is needed.
			if ( ! $upgrade ) {

			// Add notice.
			add_action( 'network_admin_notices', array( $this, 'network_admin_notices' ) );

			// Add page.
			$page = add_submenu_page(
				__( 'Upgrade Database', 'acf' ),
				__( 'Upgrade Database', 'acf' ),
				acf_get_setting( 'capability' ),
				array( $this, 'network_admin_html' )
			add_action( "load-$page", array( $this, 'network_admin_load' ) );

		 *  admin_load
		 *  Runs during the loading of the admin page.
		 *  @date    24/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.4
		 *  @param   type $var Description. Default.
		 *  @return  type Description.
		function admin_load() {

			// remove prompt
			remove_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );

			// Enqueue core script.
			acf_enqueue_script( 'acf' );

		 *  network_admin_load
		 *  Runs during the loading of the network admin page.
		 *  @date    24/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.4
		 *  @param   type $var Description. Default.
		 *  @return  type Description.
		function network_admin_load() {

			// remove prompt
			remove_action( 'network_admin_notices', array( $this, 'network_admin_notices' ) );

			// Enqueue core script.
			acf_enqueue_script( 'acf' );

		 *  admin_notices
		 *  Displays the DB Upgrade prompt.
		 *  @date    23/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.3
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function admin_notices() {

			// vars
			$view = array(
				'button_text' => __( 'Upgrade Database', 'acf' ),
				'button_url'  => admin_url( 'index.php?page=acf-upgrade' ),
				'confirm'     => true,

			// view
			acf_get_view( 'html-notice-upgrade', $view );

		 *  network_admin_notices
		 *  Displays the DB Upgrade prompt on a multi site.
		 *  @date    23/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.3
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function network_admin_notices() {

			// vars
			$view = array(
				'button_text' => __( 'Review sites & upgrade', 'acf' ),
				'button_url'  => network_admin_url( 'index.php?page=acf-upgrade-network' ),
				'confirm'     => false,

			// view
			acf_get_view( 'html-notice-upgrade', $view );

		 *  admin_html
		 *  Displays the HTML for the admin page.
		 *  @date    24/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.4
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function admin_html() {
			acf_get_view( 'html-admin-page-upgrade' );

		 *  network_admin_html
		 *  Displays the HTML for the network upgrade admin page.
		 *  @date    24/8/18
		 *  @since   5.7.4
		 *  @param   void
		 *  @return  void
		function network_admin_html() {
			acf_get_view( 'html-admin-page-upgrade-network' );

	// instantiate
	acf_new_instance( 'ACF_Admin_Upgrade' );

endif; // class_exists check

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0