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*  acf_get_taxonomies
*  Returns an array of taxonomy names.
*  @date    7/10/13
*  @since   5.0.0
*  @param   array $args An array of args used in the get_taxonomies() function.
*  @return  array An array of taxonomy names.

function acf_get_taxonomies( $args = array() ) {

	// vars
	$taxonomies = array();

	// get taxonomy objects
	$objects = get_taxonomies( $args, 'objects' );

	// loop
	foreach ( $objects as $i => $object ) {

		// bail early if is builtin (WP) private post type
		// - nav_menu_item, revision, customize_changeset, etc
		if ( $object->_builtin && ! $object->public ) {

		// append
		$taxonomies[] = $i;

	// custom post_type arg which does not yet exist in core
	if ( isset( $args['post_type'] ) ) {
		$taxonomies = acf_get_taxonomies_for_post_type( $args['post_type'] );

	// filter
	$taxonomies = apply_filters( 'acf/get_taxonomies', $taxonomies, $args );

	// return
	return $taxonomies;

 *  acf_get_taxonomies_for_post_type
 *  Returns an array of taxonomies for a given post type(s)
 *  @date    7/9/18
 *  @since   5.7.5
 *  @param   string|array $post_types The post types to compare against.
 *  @return  array
function acf_get_taxonomies_for_post_type( $post_types = 'post' ) {

	// vars
	$taxonomies = array();

	// loop
	foreach ( (array) $post_types as $post_type ) {
		$object_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $post_type );
		foreach ( (array) $object_taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
			$taxonomies[] = $taxonomy;

	// remove duplicates
	$taxonomies = array_unique( $taxonomies );

	// return
	return $taxonomies;

*  acf_get_taxonomy_labels
*  Returns an array of taxonomies in the format "name => label" for use in a select field.
*  @date    3/8/18
*  @since   5.7.2
*  @param   array $taxonomies Optional. An array of specific taxonomies to return.
*  @return  array

function acf_get_taxonomy_labels( $taxonomies = array() ) {

	// default
	if ( empty( $taxonomies ) ) {
		$taxonomies = acf_get_taxonomies();

	// vars
	$ref  = array();
	$data = array();

	// loop
	foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {

		// vars
		$object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
		$label  = $object->labels->singular_name;

		// append
		$data[ $taxonomy ] = $label;

		// increase counter
		if ( ! isset( $ref[ $label ] ) ) {
			$ref[ $label ] = 0;
		$ref[ $label ]++;

	// show taxonomy name next to label for shared labels
	foreach ( $data as $taxonomy => $label ) {
		if ( $ref[ $label ] > 1 ) {
			$data[ $taxonomy ] .= ' (' . $taxonomy . ')';

	// return
	return $data;

 *  acf_get_term_title
 *  Returns the title for this term object.
 *  @date    10/9/18
 *  @since   5.0.0
 *  @param   object $term The WP_Term object.
 *  @return  string

function acf_get_term_title( $term ) {
	$title = $term->name;

	// Allow for empty name.
	if ( $title === '' ) {
		$title = __( '(no title)', 'acf' );

	// Prepend ancestors indentation.
	if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $term->taxonomy ) ) {
		$ancestors = get_ancestors( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy );
		$title     = str_repeat( '- ', count( $ancestors ) ) . $title;

	return $title;

 *  acf_get_grouped_terms
 *  Returns an array of terms for the given query $args and groups by taxonomy name.
 *  @date    2/8/18
 *  @since   5.7.2
 *  @param   array $args An array of args used in the get_terms() function.
 *  @return  array

function acf_get_grouped_terms( $args ) {

	// vars
	$data = array();

	// defaults
	$args = wp_parse_args(
			'taxonomy'               => null,
			'hide_empty'             => false,
			'update_term_meta_cache' => false,

	// vars
	$taxonomies = acf_get_taxonomy_labels( acf_get_array( $args['taxonomy'] ) );
	$is_single  = ( count( $taxonomies ) == 1 );

	// specify exact taxonomies required for _acf_terms_clauses() to work.
	$args['taxonomy'] = array_keys( $taxonomies );

	// add filter to group results by taxonomy
	if ( ! $is_single ) {
		add_filter( 'terms_clauses', '_acf_terms_clauses', 10, 3 );

	// get terms
	$terms = get_terms( $args );

	// remove this filter (only once)
	if ( ! $is_single ) {
		remove_filter( 'terms_clauses', '_acf_terms_clauses', 10, 3 );

	// loop
	foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $label ) {

		// vars
		$this_terms = array();

		// populate $this_terms
		foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
			if ( $term->taxonomy == $taxonomy ) {
				$this_terms[] = $term;

		// bail early if no $items
		if ( empty( $this_terms ) ) {

		// sort into hierachial order
		// this will fail if a search has taken place because parents wont exist
		if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) && empty( $args['s'] ) ) {

			// get all terms from this taxonomy
			$all_terms = get_terms(
						'number'   => 0,
						'offset'   => 0,
						'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,

			// vars
			$length = count( $this_terms );
			$offset = 0;

			// find starting point (offset)
			foreach ( $all_terms as $i => $term ) {
				if ( $term->term_id == $this_terms[0]->term_id ) {
					$offset = $i;

			// order terms
			$parent        = acf_maybe_get( $args, 'parent', 0 );
			$parent        = acf_maybe_get( $args, 'child_of', $parent );
			$ordered_terms = _get_term_children( $parent, $all_terms, $taxonomy );

			// compare aray lengths
			// if $ordered_posts is smaller than $all_posts, WP has lost posts during the get_page_children() function
			// this is possible when get_post( $args ) filter out parents (via taxonomy, meta and other search parameters)
			if ( count( $ordered_terms ) == count( $all_terms ) ) {
				$this_terms = array_slice( $ordered_terms, $offset, $length );

		// populate group
		$data[ $label ] = array();
		foreach ( $this_terms as $term ) {
			$data[ $label ][ $term->term_id ] = $term;

	// return
	return $data;

 *  _acf_terms_clauses
 *  Used in the 'terms_clauses' filter to order terms by taxonomy name.
 *  @date    2/8/18
 *  @since   5.7.2
 *  @param   array $pieces     Terms query SQL clauses.
 *  @param   array $taxonomies An array of taxonomies.
 *  @param   array $args       An array of terms query arguments.
 *  @return  array $pieces

function _acf_terms_clauses( $pieces, $taxonomies, $args ) {

	// prepend taxonomy to 'orderby' SQL
	if ( is_array( $taxonomies ) ) {
		$sql               = "FIELD(tt.taxonomy,'" . implode( "', '", array_map( 'esc_sql', $taxonomies ) ) . "')";
		$pieces['orderby'] = str_replace( 'ORDER BY', "ORDER BY $sql,", $pieces['orderby'] );

	// return
	return $pieces;

 *  acf_get_pretty_taxonomies
 *  Deprecated in favor of acf_get_taxonomy_labels() function.
 *  @date        7/10/13
 *  @since       5.0.0
 *  @deprecated  5.7.2

function acf_get_pretty_taxonomies( $taxonomies = array() ) {
	return acf_get_taxonomy_labels( $taxonomies );

 *  acf_get_term
 *  Similar to get_term() but with some extra functionality.
 *  @date    19/8/18
 *  @since   5.7.3
 *  @param   mixed  $term_id The term ID or a string of "taxonomy:slug".
 *  @param   string $taxonomy The taxonomyname.
 *  @return  WP_Term

function acf_get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy = '' ) {

	// allow $term_id parameter to be a string of "taxonomy:slug" or "taxonomy:id"
	if ( is_string( $term_id ) && strpos( $term_id, ':' ) ) {
		list( $taxonomy, $term_id ) = explode( ':', $term_id );
		$term                       = get_term_by( 'slug', $term_id, $taxonomy );
		if ( $term ) {
			return $term;

	// return
	return get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy );

 *  acf_encode_term
 *  Returns a "taxonomy:slug" string for a given WP_Term.
 *  @date    27/8/18
 *  @since   5.7.4
 *  @param   WP_Term $term The term object.
 *  @return  string
function acf_encode_term( $term ) {
	return "{$term->taxonomy}:{$term->slug}";

 *  acf_decode_term
 *  Decodes a "taxonomy:slug" string into an array of taxonomy and slug.
 *  @date    27/8/18
 *  @since   5.7.4
 *  @param   WP_Term $term The term object.
 *  @return  string
function acf_decode_term( $string ) {
	if ( is_string( $string ) && strpos( $string, ':' ) ) {
		list( $taxonomy, $slug ) = explode( ':', $string );
		return compact( 'taxonomy', 'slug' );
	return false;

 *  acf_get_encoded_terms
 *  Returns an array of WP_Term objects from an array of encoded strings
 *  @date    9/9/18
 *  @since   5.7.5
 *  @param   array $values The array of encoded strings.
 *  @return  array
function acf_get_encoded_terms( $values ) {

	// vars
	$terms = array();

	// loop over values
	foreach ( (array) $values as $value ) {

		// find term from string
		$term = acf_get_term( $value );

		// append
		if ( $term instanceof WP_Term ) {
			$terms[] = $term;

	// return
	return $terms;

 *  acf_get_choices_from_terms
 *  Returns an array of choices from the terms provided.
 *  @date    8/9/18
 *  @since   5.7.5
 *  @param   array  $values and array of WP_Terms objects or encoded strings.
 *  @param   string $format The value format (term_id, slug).
 *  @return  array
function acf_get_choices_from_terms( $terms, $format = 'term_id' ) {

	// vars
	$groups = array();

	// get taxonomy lables
	$labels = acf_get_taxonomy_labels();

	// convert array of encoded strings to terms
	$term = reset( $terms );
	if ( ! $term instanceof WP_Term ) {
		$terms = acf_get_encoded_terms( $terms );

	// loop over terms
	foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
		$group                             = $labels[ $term->taxonomy ];
		$choice                            = acf_get_choice_from_term( $term, $format );
		$groups[ $group ][ $choice['id'] ] = $choice['text'];

	// return
	return $groups;

 *  acf_get_choices_from_grouped_terms
 *  Returns an array of choices from the grouped terms provided.
 *  @date    8/9/18
 *  @since   5.7.5
 *  @param   array  $value A grouped array of WP_Terms objects.
 *  @param   string $format The value format (term_id, slug).
 *  @return  array
function acf_get_choices_from_grouped_terms( $value, $format = 'term_id' ) {

	// vars
	$groups = array();

	// loop over values
	foreach ( $value as $group => $terms ) {
		$groups[ $group ] = array();
		foreach ( $terms as $term_id => $term ) {
			$choice                            = acf_get_choice_from_term( $term, $format );
			$groups[ $group ][ $choice['id'] ] = $choice['text'];

	// return
	return $groups;

 *  acf_get_choice_from_term
 *  Returns an array containing the id and text for this item.
 *  @date    10/9/18
 *  @since   5.7.6
 *  @param   object $item The item object such as WP_Post or WP_Term.
 *  @param   string $format The value format (term_id, slug)
 *  @return  array
function acf_get_choice_from_term( $term, $format = 'term_id' ) {

	// vars
	$id   = $term->term_id;
	$text = acf_get_term_title( $term );

	// return format
	if ( $format == 'slug' ) {
		$id = acf_encode_term( $term );

	// return
	return array(
		'id'   => $id,
		'text' => $text,

 * Returns a valid post_id string for a given term and taxonomy.
 * No longer needed since WP introduced the termmeta table in WP 4.4.
 * @date    6/2/17
 * @since   5.5.6
 * @deprecated 5.9.2
 * @param   $taxonomy (string) The taxonomy type.
 * @param   $term_id (int) The term ID.
 * @return  (string)
function acf_get_term_post_id( $taxonomy, $term_id ) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '5.9.2', 'string format term_%d' );
	return 'term_' . $term_id;

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